On the roof of the wheelhouse there is the radar. For this model I took a look at the Smit Bronco which has a stabil construction for the two radars. On the Arca there will be one radar and one sat communication.
As a base I used een tube construction with 6 mm tubes.
Start of the basic construction.
the support beam is ready to be soldered.
Soldering is done with the small torch.
The support beam is made on the right lenght and a verticale tube is added.
After this was ready the question was : where to place the radar motor? I use a small motor with a transmission mounted to it.
The housing of the motor.
The housing is ready and the motor is inside.
The basic construction with the radar motor on the roof.
Making the radar beam to the correct lenght on the lathe.
The sat communication and the radar on there destination. The housing of the radar is from my old spare parts box.
Making the sat communication on the lathewith a special made toolbit.