Wheelhouse windows

The front of the wheelhouse is shaped with window panels under several angles. To get this in the right shape I used two brass guiding wires. These were bend with the right angles and length and this helps a lot when measuring.

draden draden

The guiding wires are soldered on there spots.

Once the wires are on the right place you hold a sheet of material against them and you mark the outline of the panel. This is easier then measuring and the chance of mistakes is less.

ramen ramen ramen ramen

In the two outer corners there are two extra guiding wires soldered to help shaping the top windows after the topdeck is soldered to the wires.

draden ramen



Now the topdeck is in place and you got the right shapes for the angled sidewalls and the topwindows.

topraam topramen

All windows are ready, now only closing the seams with epoxy putty.

plamuur plamuur'

Sanding can start.




The putty is sanded and the joints are closed.