Hull - Putty
Once the XPS foam had the shape of the hull the first layer of polyester putty could be placed over the XPS.
The first layer of putty.
The first layer is reasonable thick.
The first layer is sanded, thank god for the sanding machine.
The shape is starting to look like the real thing.
The second layer is thinner.
Layer 3 is just on the local spots where some extra filling is needed.
layer 4....
After the 4e layer I put some filler on it to see if it was getting to the result I want.
The backside is starting to get in shape.
The filler is sanded with fine waterproof sandpaper.
The filler gets a smooth surface so you don't see the holes and small dents of the polyester putty. Once the bullwark is ready there will be a next layer of filler spayed on it.