Some people send a e-mail to me with there reactions about this site and the model. On this page you can read them.
Ivan van der Merwe | 20-06-2003 | Zuid Afrika |
I love your model. Thanks for putting the progress up on the net.
This is a great inspiration to all model boat builders
out there.
Baie Groete uit Suid Afrika
Steef | 12-05-2003 | Netherland |
Compliments on the paintjob. Nice workMag ik je even complimenteren met je
spuitwerk. Mooi
Vrgr Steef de Modelbouwscheepswerf
Louis Dutron | 11-05-2003 | Belgium |
Dear André
Last saterday evening and sundaymorning I watched your
site with interest. The examples and wormethodes are a valuable source
of information which I gonna use when I start building the
minesweeper M933 of the Belgium marine.
It gave me a good feeling and made me realise that the
effort of going on and persist even if things go wrong.
Once again me sincere congratulations for your great work and fantastic site.
With kind regards,
Gideon Nederpelt | 26-04-2003 | Vlissingen, Netherlands |
Hallo OM
I visited your site and I most say it looks great.
I waant to build the Smit Siberie myself but then with
a epoxy hull which you can buy. The rest will bebuild from the drawings,
so I will visit your site on a regular basis to take a look at the
I will be building Smit Siberie in the 1:50 scale.
go own with this great site
grzz gideon
Jan Lingen | 14-03-2003 |
Ivisited your page nd I saw that you made the searchlights yourself. And I have a question about the mirror you use. From what material do you build them??
mvgr J Lingen
I watch on your site the details on the controlpanel, and aspecially the instrments. It is a complete controlpanel ( read a lot of work ).
But maybe I got a tip for you: I myself build a crane
ship in which the controlpanel will be fitted with controls and
instruments. These instruments will have controllights made out of
Jan Lingen
Jasiu van Haarlem | 10-03-2003 | Netherland |
Lovely site, viewed it yesterday evening. It's lot of work to build the Smit Siberie. Unfortunatly this vessel isn't in the port of Rotterdam anymore, this will be difficult if you want some details now.
About the links, I brought them to a new linkspage:
(which will sta under my control). Most links are adjusted, renewed etc.
Greetings and good luck with the model,
Jasiu van Haarlem
Steef | 08-03-2003 | Netherland |
I just discovered your site and after a smal half hour
I'm impressed. I would like to put a link on my site to yours.
Vrgr Steef |
Coen van Baalen | 06-03-2003 | Netherland |
Cool man that Siberie on1:20 scale. I'm building him
in 1:50 with a polyester hull and wooden wheelhouse. Like you I work
from the drawings. Luckely a friend of mine lives in the Hoek van
Holland area, so I allways got a great excuus to visit the Smit Japan
which is stationed there. But it isn't easy, specialy the details. Is it
wise to make them on my scale ? Or should I leave them out?? This
queston I ask regular now while I'm working on thw wheelhouse. On a
exhibition or on shore everybody wants to see the details but on the
water you can't see them anymore.
Anyway good luck building the model and I will visit your site on regular basis
Coen van Baalen.
Bjorn | 27-02-2003 | Netherland |
Beautiful work, I'm impressed. If you
keep this level you may call yourself a master modelbuilder
Bjorn |
Christiaan Hof | 04-02-2003 | Netherland |
Through the modelbouwforum I came on your site
And I must say it looks great.
That's why I put a link on my site to yours:
With kind regards,
Christiaan Hof
Peter-Bert van Herwijnen | Reply on my reaction | Netherland |
Ik vind het bouwverslag erg mooi om te lezen. De The
report of building the model is easy to read, the text is clear and not
to long, the site loeds quick.
As starting modelbuilder do I have several questions,
how to do this, what kind of material do you use, are there any tips to
do things easier etc.
I wonder if it wise to integrate these tips in the
building report because it would influence the well organized
structure you now have. Maybe it is an option to make a seprate chapter
with tips and tricks.
The model is great ! Big and beautiful and the choice for this ship is good, details like the big window in the wheelhouse. Looking at the wheelhouse I wondered how you gonna make them, on the original they extend outside the wall. Any thoughts already ??
with kind regards,
Peter-Bert van Herwijnen
Peter-Bert van Herwijnen | 04-09-2002 | Netherland |
Good afternoon Mister Bouwens,
I viewed your report on building the Smit Siberie with
admiration, but will it get a follow up ??
with kind regards and good luck,
Peter-Bert van Herwijnen
J. Pothoven | 02-10-2002 | Netherland |
On your site I saw pictures of the Smit Sibrie. I'm
searching for a good drawing of this vessel or one of its sisterhips.
When I saw a picture of the drawing I sended you this mail. I want to
know where did you get them from and is it possible that I can order
them aswell?
Hoping for an answer,
J. Pothoven
P.S. I want to use them for a LEGO version, scale 1;45